
Friday, January 17, 2025


 Secretary Nominee should have shot back with these two questions: “Sen. Hirono, have you ever supported a woman hiring a hit man to murder an unborn baby? Sen. Hirono, have you ever hired a hit man to murder your unborn baby?
The hypocrisy of these Harper Valley PTA democrats knows no bounds! And remember, Jesus called out hypocrisy as the greatest evil of His time and ours!


ByzRus said...

They still haven't recognized their pseudo-sanctimony as being one of their greatest detractors. Beyond redemption?

Sophia said...

Great response Father! My discernment suggests the honest response to your proposed question! To borrow an applicable word from my Jewish friends-it takes a lot of "chutzpah" ( English word "hubris" comes close) on the part of the "Gentle Lady", Senator Hirono to dare to ask such a question- especially given the fact that members of congress have a taxpayer funded "slush fund" to cover them should they be accused of "sexual improprieties"!

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

With his self-admitted background, you would not hire him for a position in your parish, would you? I thought not. Neither should his protestations about "having found Jesus" alter that judgment.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Politicians are voted for or hired for their ability to do a secular job. None of these are church jobs in case you didn’t know.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Huh? I asked if YOU would hire him for a job in a parish where you were pastor. The answer is, "No," because, with his many faults, he is too risky to put on the payroll. But, OOOOOH, if it's a secular job, he's a shoe-in.


Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

I guess you would have hired Joe Biden as your Prolife coordinator and how to pardon your miscreant son without any penance for the sake of Justice.

Mark said...

Well, I am all for following our Lord in calling out hypocrisy. But I am getting rather tired of the abortion card being played EVERY time it seems of use to negate or otherwise bash someone who is critical of Trump or questions the suitability of one of his nominees. Although some (like Father McDonald) are doubtless sincere, trotting out the abortion card routinely comes across as an increasingly cynical ploy to cancel any criticism of Trump and MAGA due to unquestioning support of the Great Leader (one suspects, for reasons other than abortion, as I have addressed through a thought experiment in previous posts).

How about some consistency in the “calling out hypocrisy” department? Specifically, what about calling out the hypocrisy of Trump and other Republicans on the abortion issue?

Below are links to three articles that seem quite relevant. Yes, I know, the first is from what TJM calls the New York Slimes (it is also a bit dated now), but it is written by someone who is avowedly pro-life. The second and third articles are about all the Republican (especially Trump’s) flip-flopping on abortion for political advantage. And please, don’t distract with “the lesser of two evils” response. The issue is hypocrisy, not which of the two parties is better or worse on the abortion issue:

As the pro-life David French says in his New York Times article, “There is no truly pro-life party in the United States.” Perhaps it is time for some honesty and admission of this fact. Of course, we will have to see what the Great Leader has to say on Monday (and then again on Tuesday, then Wednesday, etc., etc.).

Mark J.

TJM said...


If sophistry gets you through the night, so be it. But it was Nancy Pelosi who demanded funds for the abortionatoriums during the pandemic and Hillary Clinton who campaigned on allow women to kill their baby as it came down the birth canal. Even in Europe, that is not permitted.

If you are citing David French as some sort of conservative source, he is no more a conservative than David Brooks or Jennifer Rubin

TJM said...

This from Bill Gates will give Fr. K and Mark the sads (yes, I know you are both smarter and more successful than Bill Gates):

"I had a chance, about two weeks ago, to go have a long and actually quite intriguing dinner with him," Gates told The Wall Street Journal.

In his interview, Gates detailed the "wide-ranging" dinner conversation, noting that he spoke with Trump about public health, which has been the major focus of Gates’ philanthropic efforts.

"I felt like he was energized and looking forward to helping to drive innovation," Gates told WSJ. "I was frankly impressed with how well he showed a lot of interest in the issues I brought up."

TJM said...

This will not appeal to the members of the Democratic Cult Party, but for the sane, it is a great take down of Grifter Biden

President Trump already appears to be restoring peace in the Mid East. In his first term he had to clean up the messes there created by Obama', a pro-Muslim, antisemite!

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Thanks you, Fr. ALLAN McDonald, for proving my point. In point of fact, I would NOT hire Joe Biden as my parish pro-life coordinator. His stand on abortion disqualifies him from that position.

Hegseth's long history of alcoholism, financial mismanagement, philandering, and adultery should, in a sane world, disqualify him from being nominated and/or approved to be the Secretary of Defense.

You will recall that Senator John Tower, nominated to the position in 1989 by President George H. W. Bush, was rejected by the Senate. "In 1989, Tower was President George H. W. Bush's choice to become Secretary of Defense. In a stunning move, particularly since Tower was himself a former Senate colleague, the Senate rejected his nomination. The largest factors were concern about possible conflicts of interest and Tower's personal life, in particular allegations of alcohol abuse and womanizing."

TJM said...

Father K, well here is what big-time Dem, Mark Penn, had to say about your hero, Joe Biden. Your take on Hegseth is a joke. You supported that behavior when you voted for the Kennedy's, Clinton and Biden.

Farewell Biden

The danger that Joe Biden failed to warn about in his speech was the power of government and its abuse.

Abuse when government determines what can and cannot be written on social media.

Abuse when government gives jobs and money to political friends instead of those most qualified.

Abuse when political opponents are arrested and charged at the urging of the president.

Abuse when the laws are not enforced and the border left open for political reasons.

Abuse when hundreds of billions of dollars in loans are forgiven for political gain despite court rulings.

Abuse when a president says others should pay taxes while pardoning his own son for failing to pay taxes on millions shaken out of shady global interests.

Farewell to the almost unprecedented abuse of government power, the core value of the constitution.

Mark said...


Ah, the sophistry accusation/projection again.

Here is the definition of sophistry from Merriam-Webster:

“The original Sophists were ancient Greek teachers of rhetoric and philosophy prominent in the 5th century B.C. In their heyday, these philosophers were considered adroit in their reasoning, but later philosophers (particularly Plato) described them as sham philosophers, out for money and willing to say anything to win an argument. Thus sophist (which comes from Greek sophistēs, meaning "wise man" or "expert") earned a negative connotation as "a captious or fallacious reasoner." Sophistry is reasoning that seems plausible on a superficial level but is actually unsound, or reasoning that is used to deceive.”

I think I will just let readers review my comments and compare them with yours and decide for themselves who is the sophist in these parts.

Mark J.

Mark said...


I am pleased that Trump is taking an interest in global public health issues. Let’s hope he follows through. As I said on another thread regarding his role in closing the Israeli-Hamas cease-fire agreement, credit where credit is due.

Mark J.

Mark said...


Perhaps Father Kavanaugh knows Mark Penn, but I did not (so I had to look him up on Wikipedia):

I tracked down your quote of him to a post on X. There are over two hundred comments to that post, but to read them would require me to sign up for X, which I have no intention of doing. Perhaps others who are on X can look and report on what they see.

It might be of some relevance that despite becoming disillusioned with the recent trajectory of the Democratic Party and becoming quite “Trumpy” in the late teens, according to the Wikipedia article, Penn preferred DeSantis over Trump for the 2024 Republican nomination, hoping to stop Trump becoming president again. But the cited source is a Wall Street Journal article that is behind a paywall. I could read the beginning of it, however:

“The DeSantis ship is clearly listing and must right itself. I wouldn’t normally give advice to a Republican candidate, but someone has to stop Donlad Trump from regaining the presidency, and I wouldn’t count on President Biden to do it given his low job-approval rating and widespread doubts about his fitness.”

Mark J.

TJM said...

The Catholic Church has had evil priests ab intio!

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

TJM. Thank you for that addition to the conversation at hand. I look forward to many, many more of the same kind.

TJM said...

I always look forward to your comments that are unworthy of your office as a priest

TJM said...

This will give K and Mark the sads. Even Lefty Bill Maher is sick of Wokeism and nails the Dem politicians in Kalifornia for their "response" to the LA fires:

Worse yet, Bernie Sanders says there are President Trump's policies he can support because unlike the modern fake Democrats, they actually help working men and women!

TJM said...

This will also give Mark and K the sads. Trump achieves what the old grifter could not:

TJM said...

K I hope you do not go crazy over ths poll:

Mark said...

I have already acknowledged Trump’s contribution in this respect on another thread and said: “credit where credit is due.” Please try to keep up.

I look forward to the day (probably when hell freezes over) when you exhibit some grace and fair mindedness yourself. But with you Trump can do no wrong, can he, and everything the Democrats do is evil. Please correct me if I am wrong by telling us something you give Biden/Democrats credit for.

And remember, for the umpteenth time, politically I am not a Democrat, but independent and nonpartisan.

Mark J.

TJM said...

From Fox News:Family of released Israeli hostage thanks Israel and Trump: 'Heartfelt gratitude'

No mention of the senile grifter who just declared the ERA Amendment the law of the land. Lol

Mark said...

As I say in my next reply, “credit where credit is due.”

Mark J,

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

TJM. Thank you for that addition to the conversation at hand. I look forward to many, many more of the same kind.

TJM said...


I think you, and certainly K, suffer from TDS. So it matters not that you are registered as an Independent. I can't think of a single thing that Joe Biden did during the last 4 years that was good for the American people, particularly working-class men and women. He is a grifter extraordinaire, he was all about enriching his family and friends. So, if you have something you believe was good and not tainted with self-interest I would be happy to listen. But even if you find a crumb or two, the many bad policies far outweigh any good ones.

Although President Trump is not an angel, I cannot think of any political figure today as selfless as he is. He could have enjoyed a life of ease but instead chose to enter the fray and make lives better for ordinary men and women. And in his first term he did. As a real estate developer, he has rubbed more shoulders with blue color types than a guy like Biden or a woman like Harris. They truly live in a liberal bubble and think the same things that other liberals think. No diversity of thought, at all.

Trump also took a bullet for us, and I can say with confidence this came about because of the daily vitriol the corrupt media and so-called elites were spewing about him. He was worse than HITLER, so I can see where some mentally unbalanced person might come to accept that and act upon it. Like the loon who shot the United Healthcare president when the person he should have shot was a former president, whose "Affordable Care Act' was anything but affordable. But again, he listened to the looney "elites" instead of figuring out that it is the government that sets the rules which adds a lot of cost to the system, not the UHC president.

The modern Democratic Party is a crime organization masquerading as a political party. The sooner the Party kicks the lefties who currently control it in the teeth, the sooner people might begin to trust them again. The modern Republican Party is not perfect, but they do not peddle intrinsic evils nor perversion and trample on parental rights.