
Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Once again some democrats, including some clergy democrats, have become unhinged by Trump Derangement Syndrome and their Harper Valley PTA-like clamoring for morality from the presidency. Of course they are selective in their hysteria. 

One commenter here laments the lies of Vice President Vance in an interview he gave to CBS’s Face the Nation, raising the level of lies, compared to Biden-Harris administration to a new level of pathology. 

Well, my dear friends, immorality and amorality are the new norm in the world in general and the USA in particular.

How did this happen? By the sidelining of religion and its call for morality in the world and censoring immorality. 

Our democratic processes as well as court decisions have led to this miserable state of affairs. Canceling our Judeo-Christian culture by voters and court decisions led to the elimination of God and prayer in public schools in order not to offend other religions and those of no religion. Teaching of Judeo-Christian morals within the context of its Biblical norms was and is canceled too. 

We can thank voters and court decisions for all of this and in particular we can thank the Democrat Party which supports all of this immorality based upon their voters’ base and what they want. Democrats have done more to eliminate morality in America than any other political party to the point of praising the murder of unborn children and calling it health care! That is the biggest pathological lie which had led to other assaults on the dignity of human life by both Republicans and Democrats. 

Previously to this, the Catholic Church as well as Protestantism and Judaism had great influence on our government and the motions picture industry and voters.  A Jesuit Catholic priest brought together an ecumenical and interfaith coalition of people to help censor Hollywood in the 1920’s as motion pictures were taking the country down the road of immorality and amorality, which they have eventually succeeded to do in a way no one ever thought could be done. What he accomplished led to the Hayes Code which slowed down the concupiscence of humanity which leads to what we are experiencing today as religion get no respect but immorality and lies do. Hollywood and others canceled the Hayes code by 1968 and today any and everything goes supported by the general population who wants the glorification of evil, amorality and immorality. Evil is presented as good. And government and judicial entities allow it.

This is what religion instigated by a Jesuit Catholic priest was able to do in the long gone past. This will not be possible again except for some sort of apocalyptic disaster, such as the Second Coming of Christ, until then we will have to live in a depraved, perverted, immoral and amoral world that hates religion involved in the public square supported by governmental and judicial policies of any given country, like the USA:

The Hays Code Guidelines

The follow is an excerpt of the long article which you can read by pressing:

What was Hollywood’s Hays Code: A Comprehensive Guide

The Excerpt:

If you’re wondering what the Hays Code is, it was a set of guidelines created by Hollywood’s Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) in 1930 to regulate the content of films. The code was named after Will H. Hays, who was the president of the MPPDA at the time.

The main purpose of the Hays Code was to ensure that films were morally acceptable and did not offend the sensibilities of the audience.

The Hays Code had a long list of “don’ts and be carefuls” that filmmakers had to follow. Some of the Hays Code rules included:

  • Lustful kissing was not allowed. Kissing scenes had to be brief and not too passionate.
  • Nudity was strictly prohibited.
  • Religion and God could not be ridiculed or treated with disrespect. The clergy could not be portrayed as villains or fools.
  • Drugs could not be shown in a positive light.
  • Homosexuality was not allowed to be depicted on screen.
  • Crime could not be glorified, and criminals had to be punished.
  • Adultery and sex hygiene were not allowed to be shown.
  • Venereal diseases and childbirth could not be depicted.
  • Jesus and Christ could not be portrayed on screen.
  • The word damn could not be used.
  • Rape could not be shown on screen.
  • Offense to any nation, race, or creed was not allowed.
  • Firearms could not be shown in a positive light.
  • Sympathy for criminals was not allowed.
  • Men and women in bed together were not allowed.

These were just some of the guidelines that filmmakers had to follow. The Hays Code was strict, and filmmakers had to submit their scripts to the Production Code Administration for approval. If a film did not follow the guidelines, it would not receive a seal of approval from the PCA, which meant that it could not be shown in theaters.

Overall, the Hays Code was an attempt to regulate the moral content of films. While it was in effect, it had a significant impact on the films that were produced in Hollywood. 


TJM said...

JD Vance did not lie, he called out the liars.

Maybe you should read this to gain some perspective on our corrupt federal bureaucracy which likely is very similar to the Vatican:

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

"...the elimination of God and prayer in public schools..." Your ignorance is showing again.

God and prayer were never eliminated from public schools. As the old joke goes, as long as there are math tests, there will be prayer in public schools.

What was eliminated was the leadership of said prayers by teachers and administrators. What was eliminated was the required participation in said prayers, almost always Protestant Christian prayers, by non-Christian and atheist students.

"Democrats have done more to eliminate morality in America than any other political party..."

Tell that again when the thrice-"married" Donal tRump, the felony-convicted Donald tRump, the "I wanna call it the Gulf of America" Donald tRump is rebuked for his immorality by the Republican members of Congress. Until then....

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

You are a caricature of becoming obsessed and unhinged by Trump derangement syndrome. But in reality it is the fact that you are unhinged by American democracy and the majority of voters who put him into office, most by the stupid unhinged tactics of Democrats and their childish name calling of these voters as garbage, racists, Nazis and fascists. That shaming really backfired. Blame yourself and others like you for the election results anf your Harper Valley PTA hypocrisy.

TJM said...

Hey, K, this is what you, a corrupt priest voted for, and the voters are rejecting you and your evil Party!!! Move to California, New York or Illinois so you can enjoy the benefits of iron-fisted Dem rule instead of mooching off of the free state of Georgia:

TJM said...

Father McDonald, notice K never mentions perverts and sex fiends like the Kennedys, Clinton and the Bidens (the pics of Hunter circulating on the internet are particularly nice). He also repeats the DNC/Media talking points which is tiring. He is literally braindead

TJM said...

Here is something K will never read or if he does will blithely ignore reality. It is a good read by the way:

I imagine K restricts himself to fake news like the New York Times and the Washington Post

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

TJM. Thank you for that addition to the conversation at hand. I look forward to many, many more of the same kind.

Fr. ALLAN McDonald - Trump Derangement Syndrome is a fantasy invented by those who, like yourself, are intellectually incapable of engaging in an adult conversation on any number of topics.

That prayer is not banned in schools is a relatively simple topic, but, being uninformed you shout "Trump Derangement Syndrome!"

Trump is a convicted felon, a serial adulterer, a sexual harasser. Now, these are somewhat more complex topics, but again you shout "Trump Derangement Syndrome!"

I do not blame myself for Trump being elected - that's a silly notion. The people who are to blame are the ones who voted FOR him, not those of us who saw the handwriting on the wall and voted for Harris.

As for name calling, I will note one tweet from the Orange Man which followed Bishop Budde's prophetic words. His name-calling included "so-called," "hater," "nasty," (one of his favorite slurs to use against women who are smarter than he is), and "boring." I love the fact that he called the service boring, as if - AS IF - he has any experience of worship/prayer services on which to base such a judgment.

I hope you enjoy the implementation of Project 2025.

TJM said...

Lefties who really do not care about people, just ideology, heads will explode over this. Unlike fake Catholic Biden who ignored the people of North Carolina in their time of need, Super Trump is coming to the rescue of the people in LA because their mayor is an environmental loon:

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

I am an independent because I dislike what the Democrat and Republican Parties have become. But I accept Democracy and our American way even if voters vote democracy out. I voted for the independent, by the way.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Only the deranged believe Trump sent to military to California to turn on some imaginary spigot.

"The California Department of Water Resources (CDWR) shot down that claim and added that the federal government was responsible for restarting the water pumps after they were turned off for maintenance.

“The military did not enter California,” the department wrote in a post on the social platform X, published an hour past midnight EST Tuesday. “The federal government restarted federal water pumps after they were offline for maintenance for three days.”

“State water supplies in Southern California remain plentiful,” the CDWR added."

TJM said...

K you are engaging in classic projection and are totally devoid of self-awareness. It is YOU who is incapable of engaging in adult conservation, not Father McDonald, who is gracious enough to provide you a therapy forum.
Beyond peradventure, you are the most childlike, spoiled excuse for a priest I have ever encountered. I knew Theodore Hesburgh personally and I never witnessed him saying, nor saw in his writings anything remotely close to the garbage you spew when engaging an opponent. Based on your unhinged comments, it is apparent that you scrupulously avoid engaging with reality. The diocese is scraping the bottom of the barrel to keep you around.

TJM said...

So you believe the thief that robbed the jewelry store and not the cop who caught him? LOL. Your source is not credible. CA's governor and the idiot mayor of LA failed, utterly. Trump is saving the day and the ordinary people their know it. Just like you and your media clowns tried to gaslight the American people that the "economy was wonderful." Epic fail, failure

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

TJM, How silly of me to forget that the only credible sources are the ones that you agree with or the ones that support Trump. I don't know how I could have made such a silly error.

TJM said...

K, you are the Pauline Kael of Savannah running around a fantasyland that distorts truth and reality starting with “abortion is healthcare.” “I personslly don’t believe it bit will put the people back in power that do and who promise to support the abortion mills on the taxpayers dime. Quick, take a picture of me protesting at one so I can fool my bishop!”

This will send you over the edge,

TJM said...

Hey K, SuperTrump is stopping Biden’s spending spree of $50 million for condoms in Gaza and Trans opera in South America so I think you are silly and your Party evil:

TJM said...

Another reality check for K and the USCCB:

TJM said...

The evil Democrats in California obviously have a death wish for their State:

TJM said...

And Jake Tapper from CNN just got owned by SuperTrump's new Deputy Chief of Staff trying to push the tired old narrative:

Tapper, per usual, came unarmed to a battle of wits. No wonder CNN is in the ratings toilet. I am old enough to remember when CNN was a credible news source that garnered millions of viewers. I hope the USCCB notes these illegal aliens are collecting welfare benefits which could be eliminated for the benefit of the American taxpayer. Maybe they would throw some extra money in the collection basket on Sunday if they were feeling more prosperous. The bishops have chosen badly, but hey, they do that regularly.

TJM said...

Should I forward this to the USCCB?

18 U.S.Code Section 1325:

(a)Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts

Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

Maybe I will look up the aiding and abetting provisions and send that as well!

TJM said...

Maybe the USCCB does not want us to be safe, but SuperTrump wants us to be: