
Tuesday, July 5, 2022


 I’m trying to work out my routine living on Hilton Head rather than just spending my day off or vacation here. Soon, I am sure, once word gets out, I will be called on to help with daily and Sunday Masses in the vicinity. Thus far, though, I need to say Mass in my makeshift chapel in the second bedroom so I can say Mass daily. So this is what I have done this morning: I got up at 5 AM (late for me, normally in the parish at 4 AM). Got to Planet Fitness after a light breakfast at 6 AM, left at 7:30 AM went to Publix to grocery to shop (btw, I say the Rosary as I use the elliptical machine). God back to the condo, prayed morning prayer on the balcony. Came in, got vested for Mass and celebrated Mass. All this by 10:45 AM. Now I am making a light lunch to take to the beach for mid day prayer and a ”riposo”after lunch, as we Italians live life. Who knows what I will do tonight. I do have to cook you know!


rcg said...

Very cool! I pray the Rosary on my morning and afternoon walk. I usually count paces against time but the first half of each walk is now the Rosary and I can mark the mysteries by where I am depending on the day.

TJM said...

Very nice!

James said...

I'm not retired, or a priest, but know that this must be a tough transition (even if you're living in paradise). Had you thought of becoming a cruise ship priest, e.g. with Stella Maris? It sounds like a fun way to combine vocation and vacation, at least for a few weeks.

Joe Zakrzewski said...

God Bless Father Allan

ByzRus said...

Your dresser looks more Catholic than many of our churches.

Take it easy with nonna's lace, PF is watching you!

ByzRus said...

Curiously, how's the adjustment been? Are you fighting with instinctively wanting to do things you used to do/be responsible for, or is it just heaven on earth being free of it? When I take vacation, it usually takes me several days to pull my head out of the game. Like you said, if me, I'd be happy to be rid of "boiler conked out" problems and wouldn't be able to just stop the ministry part. Can you see the ocean? Looks really beautiful where you are. Enjoy!

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

There is a must read at Rorate Caeli on how many prominent clerics who were at the Council reacted to the Novus Ordo:

Here is the money quote from Bishop Celada:

The gradual destruction of the liturgy is a sad fact universally known. In less than five years the millennial structure of divine worship has been dismantled.... In its place, an infantile, noisy, crude and highly tiring form of the rite was introduced. And the alienation and reluctance of the faithful were hypocritically ignored. [2]

Here is a link to the article: