(Credit: AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais.)
NEW YORK - Of late, California Senator Diane Feinstein has come under fire for questioning judicial nominee Amy Barrett’s commitment to her Catholic faith during a senate confirmation hearing last week.
“I think in your case, professor…the dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern,” declared Feinstein.
Um, because she's a Democrat...?
Catholics have never really been acceptably American. America has always been all about individualism and independence from foreigners. Catholics, however, are morally corporate and follow a foreign leader. We're a quarter of the population, but an alien quarter. So be it.
Professor Robert George has indeed called for her resignation!
What is the problem with what she said? Pope Francis says the exact same things, and much worse about Catholics EVERY single day. I don't care what some San Francisco limousine liberal says but I do care what a supposedly validly elected pope says.
More interesting is it that the Southern Poverty Law Center has not declared the Supreme Court a hate group. Of course, the SPLC is itself a hate group, "hate" as relativistically defined by "liberal" dogmatic politicians.
Catholics are probably the only group in America that it is socially and politically acceptable to be prejudiced against. Note that I did not use the word "hate". That word is extremely overused and misused and I don't think most Americans hate Catholics. But I do believe there is a strong prejudice against Catholics in many quarters, including some Catholics themselves. It isn't likely to change soon.
Bee here:
Why are there two sets of standards, one for Leftists, and one for everyone else?
I've asked myself that question quite a few times over the last 10 or 12 years as I watched the Left get away with proverbial murder, and conservatives being flamed for every little word or act.
No, there's no bias in the media. None at all.
Why indeed.
God bless,
Father Kavanaugh must be very proud of his Democratic Party (is this what they call Stockholm Syndrome?)
She can go with the anti-Catholic Dominionist Raphael Cruz, the Pelagian libertarian (redundant, I know) Rand Paul, Putin's favorite congressman Tyrone Rohrabacher, and a bevy of other assorted right wing loonies.
Feinstein was out of line, just like the presidential candidate (I'll think of his name in a minute) who questioned the loyalty of a Hispanic-American judge.
And so was the president (I'll think of his name in a minute) who nominated an admitted adulterer and third wife as ambassador to the Vatican.
Actually, now that I think about it, that was the same guy.
Discuss, if you will.
Daniel, Is that the guy who bragged in print about his multiple fornications? The same guy who is tape recorded planning a sexual assault on a woman he knows is married?
The one the "religious" right now proclaims to be the new King David? The one conservatives praise as the man who is going to put the Merry Christmas back into the November- December accumulation of more unneeded stuff buying season? The guy who is gonna label China a currency manipulator, repeal Obama care, build a Mexico financed wall on our southern border, and put Decry Clinton in jail?
Yeah, I thought so.
Ah, engaging in deflection. The Party of Intrinsic Evil (formerly, the Democratic Party) is your new spiritual home. How nice.
Hey Daniel...do you have a problem with adultery? If pope Francis doesn't care why should you.
What does questioning "the loyalty of a Hispanic-American judge" and nominating "an admitted adulterer" have to do with religious bigotry?
Oh, she will probably resign...in due time, that is, retire from office at the age of 80-something next year. C'mon folks, she represents far-left California, which Hillary won by a record 4 million votes last year..in other words, she represents her constituency. Of course we could ask Ms. Feinstein why she is so fixated on abortion; it is not as if ultraliberal California would ban it even if Roe v Wade were overturned (anymore than New York would).
You're free to be as Catholic as you want - just keep it within the walls of your parish or, your home.
Victor, I believe all bigotry is rephrehensible & the president's pick reflects a disrespect for the Church, the Holy Father & the Holy See. These things are wrong even when committed by conservatives.
Daniel, are you Gobshite who used to be our favorite troll?
But you had no problem when Obama appointing an openly gay ambassador to the Dominican Republic? The Dominican Republic raised such a fuss, the Senate did not approve the appointment. If Dems didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards at all.
Dear Fr. McDaniel,
Allow me to use this particular posting about Feinstein to apologize to you for attacking YOUR faithfulness as a Catholic.
I once or twice read your blog comments a few years ago and it sounded to me that you were defending the very unCatholic things foisted upon us in since Vaticon II. Maybe you were. Maybe not. I had not been back to read and get to know you to find out. I remember leaving one comment. It said, "You are about as Catholic as Mickey Mouse." At the time, I did not know that you were a priest. And when I found out, I felt so terribly bad about what I said. Since then I have looked for a chance to tell you how sorry I am for that comment made in my zeal to defend our holy Catholic religion and Sacraments, especially our priests and the Holy Mass.
Today I happened upon your blog again and thought it a good chance to confess my sorrow for my comment. I should NOT have expressed myself in such words to ANY Catholic, let alone a priest. What I said was devoid of Christian charity and unacceptable from anyone who professes to be Catholic. And regardless of whether or not you are a Catholic priest such as our faithful priests of times past or one of Modernist variety, I love you, Father. You are one of the multitude of priests that I pray and sacrifice for every single day beginning with the first prayer of the morning. For you I would give up my life.
Please forgive this fool. My zeal was no substitute for my brains. In reparation I offer my next Holy Communion for you, Father.
Patricia R.
"The dogma lives loudly within her" and Feinstein noticed that. How peculiar she never said that about some of the prominent Catholic Democrats.
TJM, I was not familiar with the gay ambassador, so I had to look him up. Actually, the Senate did approve his appointment and he left office in January after four years as ambassador.
That aside, your attempt to create a parallel doesn't work. The DR, as a secular state, is not the Vatican, and homosexuality, whatever you think of it, is not the equivalent of flagrant adultery. No doubt you disagree, and you have the right.
But my research showed me that in 2013 the Vatican's ambassador to the Dominican Republic (this would be Benedict's ambassador) welcomed Brewster to the DR and told him: "If you keep your private life behind the walls of your embassy, you'll be O.K. here." As, apparently, he was.
Patricia - Vaticon (sic) II is as much a part of our Catholic faith as Vatican I, Ephesus, Nicea, Trent, et al.
If you are going to be zealous in defending "our holy Catholic religion and Sacraments," please be kind enough to defend it in its entirety.
If TJM didn't have his own set of "alternative facts" he'd have none at all...
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