
Friday, May 20, 2016


A couple of months ago we had a Requiem Mass at St. Joseph. The family requested an authentic Requiem and were thrilled with the fact that we were able to do the following for their faithful departed in the Ordinary Form of the Mass and in English.

We now give our parishioners the explicit option of having the propers from the Ordinariate's Book of Divine Worship, the Missal. Since in the Ordinary Form one can substitute the propers with just about any kind of hymn, we find it illogical not to allow the propers to be chanted from this glorious new Roman Missal since these are chants too. If one could use "How Great Thou art" at the opening, why not the chant of the Ordinariate's missal???

Many of our older parishioners who attended this Requiem were pleased with its beauty and simplicity and that the actual texts of the Requiem were chanted instead of contrived hymns. 

Here is what our options are for a pure Ordinary Form Requiem in English:

Chants proper to the Requiem Mass

Introductory Rite

As the priest and ministers process from the Sanctuary (altar area) to the entrance of the church to greet the family and deceased the cantor chants the Introit.

(Chanted in English or Latin, all stand as the bell is rung)
Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord: and let light perpetual shine upon them.
(Ps) Thou, O God, art praised in Sion, and unto thee shall the vow be performed in Jerusalem: thou that hearest the prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come.
Rest eternal…

(Please face the entrance of the church, then all make the Sign of the Cross, and the Priest says or chants)
Priest: The Lord be with you.
All: And with your spirit.

Then the coffin or ossuary is sprinkled with Holy Water to recall the faithful departed's baptism into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The coffin is covered with a pall to recall the baptismal garment.. This is done in silence.

Then the procession proceeds to the altar and once all are in place, the Collect (Opening Prayer) is chanted.

The Liturgy of the Word 

First Reading is selected from either the Old Testament or the New Testament Epistles. During Easter the First Reading is from the Acts of the Apostles

The Responsorial Psalm is chanted and all are invited to sing the refrain repeating it after the cantor and between each verse of the Psalm.

However, n place of the Responsorial Psalm, the Gradual may be chanted by the cantor in Latin or English:

Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord: and let light perpetual shine upon them.
V. The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance: he will not be afraid of any evil tidings.


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death: I will fear no evil, for thou, O Lord, art with me.
V. Thy rod and they staff: they have been my comfort. 

If the Gradual is used, the Tract is next chanted:

Absolve, O Lord, the souls of all the faithful departed: from every bond of sin.
V. And by the succor of thy grace: may they be found worthy to escape the avenging judgment.
V. And enjoy the bliss: of everlasting light.

The optional Sequence, Dies irae, may be chanted in English or Latin after the Responsorial Psalm or Tract.

The Gospel Acclamation 

The Gospel
The Liturgy of the Eucharist

The Offertory
The Offerings of bread and wine may be presented by family members or friends or may already be at the altar beforehand.

The Offertory Chant in English or Latin
(After the prescribed Offertory Chant, an optional additional anthem or hymn may be chanted.)

O Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory, deliver the souls of all the faithful departed from the hand of hell, and from the pit of destruction: deliver them from the lion’s mouth; that the grave devour them not; that they go not down to the realms of darkness. But let Michael, the holy standard-bearer, make speed to restore them to the brightness of glory: which thou didst promise in ages past to Abraham and his seed.
V. Sacrifice and prayer do we offer unto thee, O Lord: do thou accept them for the souls departed, in whose memory we make this oblation: and grant them, O Lord, to pass from death unto life: which thou didst promise in ages past to Abraham and his seed.

Communion Chant in English or Latin:
To them in whose memory the Body and Blood of Christ is received: grant, O Lord, rest everlasting.
V. And let light perpetual shine upon them. To them in whose memory the Blood of Christ is received: grant, O Lord, rest everlasting.
Let light eternal shine, O Lord, upon them: for endless ages with thy blessed ones, for thou art gracious.
V. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord: and let light perpetual shine upon them. For endless ages with thy blessed ones: for thou art gracious.

An optional Anthem or hymn may be sung after the prescribed Communion Chant.

The Prayer after Holy Communion

The Commendation

The Chant of Farewell: "Saints of God Come to His/Her Aide" Or the refrain: "Receive His/Her Soul and present him/her to God the Most High."

Recessional: "May the Angels Lead you into Paradise"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This looks pretty much the same as I heard at the last OF requiem Mass I attended, though it was celebrated ad orientem with the requiem chants being in Latin rather than English--they appear (to me) to be the same in the 1974 OF Graduale Romanum as in the 1961 EF Graduale Romanum (however rarely are the authentic chants heard in the typical parish funeral Mass). There's no requirement that funeral Masses be especially offensive.