
Wednesday, September 12, 2012


This is a more recent celebration of the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord, a Sunday Mass, in the Sistine Chapel, during a liturgy where babies have been baptized. So this is a family Mass!
Unfortunately the camera people and director do not understand the full impact of ad orientem and so miss it in videoing this Mass, but you get the point of what the Holy Father is modeling for the pastors of the Church, pastors meaning bishops.

Please note that the Holy Father elevates the Host and Chalice but not in an obnoxious way and uses the pall which is not prescribed in the rubrics of the OF Mass. He is also praying Eucharistic Prayer III in Latin, which in the later years of his papacy has been the norm for all Masses he celebrates where there is a mix of vernacular and Latin. The Latin is for the Preface dialogue, preface, Eucharistic Prayer and Pater Noster, while everything else is in the vernacular.

Please note too that the Holy Father quiets his voice for the consecrations!

This next video is the same solemnity but a few years earlier. The Holy Father while celebrating this Mass ad orientem also, prays the Eucharistic Prayer in Italian, not Latin, and is praying Eucharistic Prayer II:

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