Thursday, March 13, 2025
My question is, why so many in Singapore???????
I certainly understand why Democrats have Trump Derangement Syndrome. And certainly Catholics should be concerned about his narcissism, bravado and seeming lack of empathy for those he denigrates. We should be concerned about his eternal salvation.
But, he is duly elected by a landslide victory in the Electoral College and a significant majority of the popular vote. Love him or hate him, he's our president until the next election.
With all the negativity of Democrats who can't seem to find anything good in Trump, it is a shame that they can't see some of the good when it comes to making peace.
President Biden's failed presidency and on so many levels, failed when it came to peace in the Middle East and in Ukraine. In fact, we can blame the weakness of his presidency for enabling Russia to invade Ukraine. Biden and his inept VP, Harris, were completely incompetent to start peace talks leading to significant hope between Israel and Gaza and Russia and Ukraine.
But President Trump has created a way for peace in Israel and Gaza and we have seen the release of so many hostages and others because of Trump's efforts. That did not and would not happened under Biden and God forbid a Harris administration.
And negotiations for peace between Russia and Ukraine are now possible only two months after Trump took office.
Blessed are the peace makers for the Kingdom of God will be theirs. That's Catholic and it's not politics!
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
My very progressive seminary taught me that artwork, plants, flowers and other decorations should frame and highlight the altar, ambo and celebrant’s chair. In other words it should frame, not obscure or distract or detract from the most important furnishings in the sanctuary.
So much of the irrational rational of the wreckovation of historic churches and the iconoclasm of the artwork therein was to make sure everyone knew what was important in the Catholic sanctuary although even that was made minimalistic.
But today, this is what we are seeing in so many parishes. Junk, junk, junk cluttering the sanctuary and hiding and distracting from what is truly important in the sanctuary!
Friday, March 7, 2025
You can blame the decline that Catholicism has experienced in the USA since Vatican II (1965) on secularism if you wish and certainly secularism, with Satan's temptations embedded within it, has had and still has its allurements to denigrate the value of being a member in good standing with the True Church that Jesus Christ founded. No doubt about that and it always has been and always will be.
But what has happened to the post Trent Church which Vatican II ushered in, not only with reiterating traditional teachings, but opening the Church up to the world, Protestantism, other religions and no religions? Has the Church given into a new kind of Universalism where all that is important are worldly things and creating love and peace, a la the 1960's version. Is it simply let's all hold hands and sing kumbaya and not worry about eternal truths, dogmas or orthodoxy.
My contention is that Vatican II's intuition about" un-circling the wagons" which protected the Church in a wonderful way from the "world, the flesh and the devil" has led to an open Church vulnerable to the "world, the flesh and the devil" in a way not seen since the Council of Trent until Vatican II.
The bishops of Vatican II, so-called Fathers, were wrong, dead wrong, on their non-dogmatic, but rather pastoral intuitions about how the Church needed to function in the world. Their modest proposals morphed quite quickly into surrender to the world, the flesh and the devil, just one or two years after Vatican II. What Pope Francis has brought about in terms of worldliness is now on steroids today.
These are Vatican II and post-Vatican II pastoral mistakes that can be revised, reformed and refuted. One is free to disregard pastoral inclinations of the Magisterium when there is proof that the pastoral intuitions and proposals have damaged the Catholicism of Catholics. However, no Catholic can disregard the entirety of Vatican II. Like Pope Benedict, though, we can criticize, call out and demand an end to it. There is no doubt that the discontinuity post Vatican II theology has not blessed the Church but rather cursed it and Catholics who have left the Church thinking there is no need to be an institutional Catholic. Being nothing is just as good or anything else for that matter!
The Discontinuity, spirit of Vatican II ideology that has absorbed popes and bishops has created a toothless Catholicism incapable of leading rank and file Catholics away from secularism and universalism.
Here is a great commentary, even if one disagrees with some assertions by Charles Collins of Crux:
Decline in U.S. Catholic Church doesn’t have a political solution
The Pew Research Center released a new survey on religion in America last week, the first such major study since 2014.
The news wasn’t good for the Catholic Church.
According to the Pew report, only 19 percent of Americans self-identify as Catholic. That’s down from 24 percent in 2007. That 19 percent includes anyone one who listed “Catholic” as their religion in the survey, meaning it counts not only people who go to Mass at least semi-regularly but also those who haven’t darkened the door of a church in years or even decades.
It has taken roughly three generations to reach this point – a good while in secular terms, but a rapid decline for an institution that thinks in centuries – but it is fair and even necessary to acknowledge how the Catholic Church has seen a massive decline in the United States since the Vatican Council II ended in 1965.
In 1965, there were an estimated 60,000 Catholic priests serving a Catholic population of 45.6 million Catholics. By 2022, the number of priests had dropped to around 35,000 serving a Catholic population of roughly 72 million.
The 1960s were an interesting time for the Catholic Church in the United States. Traditional anti-Catholicism was fading, vocations to the priesthood in the previous 25 years had been unusually high by comparison with previous decades, and there were several prominent high-profile converts in the English-speaking world.
Using 1965 as the baseline was always going to court disappointment. Society was changing. The Cold War was at its height and people feared nuclear war. The sexual revolution took place, affecting the Catholic Church and the rest of the world. Even so, there’s no really winning way to spin the numbers from the latest Pew report.
How to improve the situation for the Church is a question that has always divided the progressive and conservative wings of the U.S. Church, but it isn’t really a problem with a political solution.
The liberal National Catholic Reporter opens its article on the Pew document by noting “majorities of U.S. Catholics support progressive policies on ‘culture war’ issues, such as abortion and gay marriage, according to a new survey of the country’s religious landscape.”
“For example,” writes Heidi Schlumpf, “nearly three quarters of Catholics believe homosexuality should be supported by society, 70 percent support same-sex marriage and 59 percent want abortion legal in all or most cases.” Schlumpf also notes how nearly “four in 10 Catholics said greater acceptance of people who are transgender is a change for the better.”
“Acceptance of progressive policies has increased among Catholics, for the issues tracked over time,” Schlumpf says.
Writing in the conservative Crisis Magazine, Eric Sammons names several causes of the numbers fleeing the Church, including religious indifference, poor catechesis, the number of scandals, and “irreverent” Masses. Sammons also makes suggestions common among conservatives – including conservative Catholics – such as homeschooling curtailing interreligious activities, bringing back Friday abstinence from meat all year round (actually still observed in England), and increasing the availability of Latin Mass.
One ought not be surprised at either that rehearsal of sociological data or those retail cultural proposals, and there is something to be said both for acknowledging social realities and for supporting successful efforts that are necessarily small-scale and local, but I can’t shake the sense that the problem is upstream of all that.
I admit I haven’t lived in the United States in decades, but the first thought that pops into my head is: “Has anyone thought of asking why these people aren’t going to Mass, or even considering themselves Catholic anymore?”
Church leaders know people often don’t have any clear idea why they stop attending Mass. They also know the reasons people give are not always the ones that really drove them away from the practice of the faith, but there is nevertheless something to be said for asking the question in earnest and for listening – really listening – to the answers people give.
The survey noted only 44 percent of self-identified Catholics feel religion is “very” important to them, compared to 55 percent of Christians overall, and less than 30 percent attend Mass every week.
This means a lot of parishes – especially ones in larger cities – don’t have a good idea of who their members are.
When I was in Texas, I knew one woman who was a very active participant in her parish. She sang in the choir and taught in the confirmation classes. However, her work forced her to miss Mass for several weeks in a row, and when no one ever called her to find out why she wasn’t there, she thought they didn’t care, and didn’t go back when her work schedule returned to normal.
Another parish I attended had a large number of immigrants from Latin America within territorial confines, but since the “Hispanic parish” was two miles away, the immigrants weren’t really their concern. The nearby Evangelical church, however, was willing to take care of them.
The last time I visited Texas – in 2017 – I walked to the nearest parish, since it was only a 30-minute stroll. I was shocked when I got there, because it was literally impossible to get to the entrance on foot without going up a steep car-only lane. If I was elderly or – heaven forbid, in a wheelchair – I wouldn’t have been able to get to the church itself. On my walk to the church, I passed several Hispanic-filled apartment blocks not ten minutes away on foot.
When I inquired whether anyone ever knocked on the doors in the territory of their parish to ask, “Are there any Catholics living here?” I heard such a thing would be “too invasive.”
It’s just a thought.
Another notion with which I’ve been toying is the idea of recalibrating our frame of reference. I mean, if the majority of Catholics in the country don’t find religion to be “very” important, they probably don’t care very much if the local parish is “liberal” or “conservative” but probably would be glad to know the local Church notices them and wants to be attentive to their needs.
Although some would see the outcome of the latest Pew survey and conclude that most Church members are just “nominal Catholics,” in other words, it could be more helpful to think of them as Catholics “hanging on by a thread.”
Before considering how to pull them all the way back into Peter’s barque, it’s probably best not to sever the last fraying cords keeping them tethered to her.
Follow Charles Collins on X: @CharlesinRome
When Cardinal Roche was working for Pope Benedict XVI, His Eminence was very supportive of the two usages of the one Roman Rite, the Ancient and the Modern. Then His Eminence became the Prefect under Pope Francis who hates the pre-Conciliar Church, wants the current post-Conciliar Church to become even more of a "different Church" than what has been experienced since Vatican II.
Now that Pope Francis is entering his last days as pope, it appears that Cardinal Roche is moderating his rigid opposition to the Tridentine Mass and becoming a bit more conciliatory and pastoral toward those who want it, unlike Pope Francis. It appears to me, your most humble blogger, that Roche is throwing TC under the bus!
Does Cardinal Roche see the "handwriting on the wall" as it concerns the liturgical direction the next pope, whoever he may be, will take which will be more traditional and pastoral? Time will tell.
This is the liturgical part of an interview that Cardinal Roche gave to England's "Catholic Herald". My astute commentary on what His Eminence says is in bold red!
CH Herald]: One of the phenomena that has become apparent in the modern Church is the devotion that young people have to the Traditional Latin Mass, the 1962 Roman Missal promulgated by Pope John XXIII. What advice would you give to those who want to remain faithful members of the Church and love the Latin Mass but find themselves restricted in attending?
CR [Roche]: Of course, it is good that people want to be part of the Church, and there is no reason why they cannot. There is nothing wrong with attending the Mass celebrated with the 1962 missal. That has been accepted since the time of Pope St John Paul II, Pope Benedict and now Pope Francis. (It was completely immoral and unpastoral for TC to push young Catholics who embrace the Ancient Mass to the periphery of Catholicism, mock them, scold them and berate them. It was and is ridiculous! And it also did the same thing to the late, great Pope Benedict XVI!)
What Pope Francis said in Traditionis Custodes is that it is not the norm. For very good reasons, the Church, through conciliar legislation, decided to move away from what had become an overly elaborate form of celebrating the Mass. (Pope Benedict made clear by using the word "extraordinary, meaning out of the norm" for the Ancient Mass and "Ordinary, meaning regular/usual" for the Modern Mass, that the Ancient Mass would not be as widespread as the Modern but allowed to be celebrated where there were enough who desired to have it and that each parish with multiple Sunday Masses should designate one of those for the Extraordinary Form.)
When I was at school, I used to serve Mass, and the priest would say to me: “Remember, boy, it’s 20 minutes, amice to amice.” What he meant was that as soon as he put the amice [liturgical vestment] around his neck, I was to start counting the minutes until he took it off at the end of Mass. If, by chance, he reached the last Gospel by 15 minutes, I had to pull the back of his chasuble. It was a sort of scruple, I suppose, but something very different from what people experience in the Extraordinary Form today. (Cardinal Roche uses a completely immature argument based on a childhood experience as to why the Ancient Mass needed reform. Yet he turns a blind eye to what young people today experience in the Modern Rite which is in no way what Vatican II envisioned for the modification of the Ancient Mass! Do we really want to name all of the abuses that are experienced worldwide by priests and congregations with the modern Mass? It's the speck in the Ancient Mass that prevents Roche from seeing the blank in the Modern Mass!)
One of the things that has been very interesting to me is observing this situation worldwide. The numbers devoted to the Traditional Latin Mass are, in reality, quite small, but some of the groups are quite clamorous. They are more noticeable because they make their voices heard. (Catholic clergy and laity have a right to be heard, and yes, some of what so-called "rad trads" promote and want are undisciplined, vulgar and prideful. Thinking that the Extraordinary Form should be the exclusive form of the Church and repudiating Vatican II completely should be condemned!)
Another important point is that one of the major reforms of the Second Vatican Council was in Dei Verbum, which recognised that the scriptures needed to become more and more part of the daily diet of every Catholic Christian.
the lectionary from the Novus Ordo, there is a three-year cycle for
Sundays and a two-year cycle for weekday readings. There is a much lower
percentage of scriptural readings in the 1962 missal than there are in
the newer missal. (This ignores the reality that the Modern Mass is far too wordy and pedantic, which includes too made readings for the Liturgy of the Word. All that is needed is the First Reading, Old or New Testament, Gradual, not a lengthy, endless Responsorial Psalm, the Alleluia, Tract and Gospel. The Old lectionary should have been maintained as "Year A" and two newer cycles based on the model of the Ancient Lectionary devised to add more Scriptures not heard in the one year cycle. Catholic's attention span even for a 10 minute homily is very short, not to mention all the Bible Readings thrown at them at a single Mass!)
interests me is why people get hot under the collar about others
celebrating the Tridentine Mass. I think this has been a mistake. Bishop
Wheeler, of the Diocese of Leeds, insisted that a Holy Mass be
celebrated in Latin according to the Novus Ordo at least once every
Sunday in every deanery. That showed considerable wisdom.
my perspective, the celebration of the Eucharist, in whichever missal
you are using, should be very noble and marked by noble simplicity. (No Cardinal Roche, what needs to be done is for the priest to read the black and do the red, no matter what Missal is used as well as the General Instructions for the Roman Mass in either Missal! But it was Pope Francis and you who were so hot under the collar that the Ancient Mass, due to Pope Benedict's explicit permission, was spreading like wildfire especially among the young to include young priests and bishop!. Physician heal thyself!)
I often hear people say, “Cardinal Roche is against the Latin Mass.” Well, if they only knew that most days I celebrate Mass in Latin because it is the common language for all of us here. It is the Novus Ordo Mass in Latin. I was trained as an altar boy until the age of 20, serving the Tridentine Form. (Cardinal Roche, if you also celebrate the Tridentine Mass today, that would be something. Nice try at changing the subject!)
Here are interesting facts about the experience of the two major forms of the One Roman Rite back in 2019. There is an update from Pew Research for the USA today that truly paints a dismal picture of what Vatican II has done to the Church, with more Catholics leaving the Church than ever. Vatican II's spirit and non dogmatic intuitions, many of which were wrong then as now, has made the Church toothless to deal with secularism and its allurements:
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Saint Raphael Catholic Church in New Orleans was devastated by Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath.
The parish closed for a while due to the damage but re-emerged as the church building for a new parish of consolidated parishes.
The new parish name is Transfiguration.
I visited St. Raphael in the very early 1980’s shortly after my ordination as I had a seminary classmate who was assigned there.
This is what it looked like then:
After Katrina and the closing of parishes into one merged parish that used the once flooded St. Raphael Church but renamed Transfiguration, this is how it was renovated:
Friday, February 28, 2025
Doctors: "Bronchospasm, vomiting with inhalation". Pope Francis' respiratory condition worsens.
The medical report released on the evening of Friday, February 28, 2025 states: "The Holy Father in the early afternoon today, after a morning spent alternating respiratory physiotherapy with prayer in the chapel, presented a an isolated crisis of bronchospasm that, however, led to an episode of vomiting with inhalation and sudden worsening of the respiratory picture. The Holy Father was promptly bronchoaspirated and began non-invasive mechanical ventilation, with a good response on gas exchanges. The Holy Father has always remained alert and oriented, collaborating in therapeutic maneuvers. The prognosis therefore still remains confidential. In the morning he received the Eucharist».
Thursday, February 27, 2025
From Luxtoday:
Cardinal Hollerich criticizes conclave rumors amid Pope Francis' illness
Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, a close associate of Pope Francis and archbishop of Luxembourg, has strongly criticised speculation about a possible conclave, which has begun to circulate actively among the Vatican's top clergy. Hollerich called it "appalling" that some priests, bishops and cardinals are already contemplating choosing a new head of the Catholic Church while Pope Francis is still alive.
Hollerich noted that Pope Francis has repeatedly expressed his displeasure with such talk, finding it deeply disrespectful. Instead of speculating about future scenarios, the cardinal said, the faithful should support the pope in prayer and show sympathy for his state of health.
Pope Francis, who is 88 years old, has been undergoing treatment for 10 days at the Gemelli Clinic in Rome. He has been diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia and a respiratory infection caused by various pathogens. According to Vatican reports, the Pope's condition has deteriorated in recent days and blood tests have shown initial kidney failure, which remains under control for now.
Since his hospitalisation on 14 February, rumours have been circulating among the top Catholic clergy about Pope Francis' possible resignation for health reasons. There is already a pre-conclave atmosphere in Rome, which Hollerich says is deeply offensive to the pope and does not reflect true Christian values.
A conclave is a meeting of cardinal-electors to elect a new pope. It is held in the event of the Pope's death or voluntary resignation, as was the case with Benedict XVI in 2013.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
This Silere Non Possum interview is translated from Italian to English by a digital service which makes the English somewhat clunky. It’s fascinating:
We are wondering who could succeed this Pope. We do not do it starting from the people but from the needs».
«Your Eminence, but who could succeed Jorge Mario Bergoglio? Who could take the reins of the Church in this very delicate moment? If someone were to arrive - which we absolutely need - who would return to the essential and begin to eliminate all these intrigues between journalists, the media, etc... there are those who are already ready to start an unprecedented battle against the Pope.
As happened with Benedict», I ask.
«I don't think we should worry. On the contrary. We need someone - but I think you've already written this - who has courage. The first need is to put justice back at the center. We really appreciated what Pope Francis said about mercy. However, in times of growing social and legal complexity, the need for a man who can lead the Church by placing canon law at the center of its mission emerges forcefully. It is not a question of reducing faith to a mere normative question, but of recognizing how canon law is an essential tool for ensuring justice, transparency and even order within the Church. To put it as he would say, we do not need a bureaucratic Pope, but a pastor capable of seeing canon law not as a limit, but as a support for spiritual and community growth. John Paul II did this and had enormous difficulty. A Pope who is aware that justice is an integral part of the evangelical message. Furthermore, I believe that it is necessary to truly return to putting Jesus Christ first. We do not talk enough about Jesus Christ today" he replies.
I provoke him: «We talked about the Synod, about the positions we have to divide up, about the roles and for years we have been saying that decisions must be made synodally». «Yes, but we need someone who then makes these decisions! For this reason too, it is necessary to start making it clear who has authority and who does not. The apostles listen, they consult but the decision must then be made. This is what we as a Church have experienced in recent years. The ability to say "yes, yes" and "no, no" is completely lacking. To bless or not to bless? To allow access to the sacraments or not to allow access? Today everyone does what they want because in the end everything and its opposite has been said». I look at him, smile and say: «Yes, we need a courageous Pope. A kamikaze». He laughs: «The simple fact of returning to live in the Apostolic Palace will be seen as something to criticize. But has anyone asked themselves what will happen when the Pope dies? The Domus has been completely revised compared to what it was in 2013. Structural changes have been made." I interrupt him: "The press has never talked about this either. They keep saying that he lives in a small room." He smiles: "You know very well that it's not like that. The whole plan has been revised. There will be many more of us entering the Conclave now than before. Perhaps because he thought that this year many would leave over eighty."
The problems, therefore, will also be different with regard to the organization of the Conclave. Contrary to what conspiracy theorists and lovers of "behind the scenes" say, the cardinals are not making agreements or reflecting on specific people. Instead, they are wondering who will be able to collect the legacy of a pontificate like that of Francis. "Although very different from John Paul, let's say that the feelings are a bit like those of 2005. Collecting the legacy of a man like Bergoglio is difficult on a media level. As for the status of the Church, however, it is certainly an unprecedented challenge", he explains.
We walk and recite the holy rosary. After the litanies, the cardinal turns to me and says: "Write it on Silere non possum that last night at the recitation of the Rosary there were several cardinals and bishops who have suffered serious harassment by Francis. They were there to pray for him. Sometimes I meet someone when I come down from my apartment and we exchange a few words. I have never heard people speak badly of the Pope. Sometimes one of them has said to me: "Your Eminence, I don't understand why the Pope no longer has confidence in me. I don't understand what happened" but never a bad word. Sometimes newspapers create monsters to be able to tell the story of the Church for something that it is not. In recent years many priests have suffered because of the Pope's wrong choices. That's what you write, you're the only ones to say it. It's precisely that uncertainty, sometimes just one word. There was a good priest who was in his secretariat and he was kicked out just because he reproached him for having spoken about him on a television station in his hometown. He sent him back to the Secretariat of State into oblivion. Ruined lives because then people talk, chat and invent many conspiracy theories but what is most distressing is the fact that you live constantly thinking about what could have happened because the day before he hugged you and praised you and the next day he doesn't even want to see you. Then you come to find out, from other people, that he was told something by a person who doesn't even know you and that it isn't even true. However, in the meantime, he has decided so and there are no saints in heaven..."
The Conclave risks being long. Not only will there be more cardinals but it will be necessary to get more people who in reality don't know each other at all to agree. The common feeling, however, is precisely that of returning a little to justice. It seems to be a glue. Benedict XVI wrote in Caritas in Veritate: "On the one hand, charity demands justice: the recognition and respect of the legitimate rights of individuals and peoples. It works to build the 'city of man' according to law and justice. On the other hand, charity surpasses justice and completes it in the logic of gift and forgiveness. The 'city of man' is not promoted only by relationships of rights and duties, but even more and before that by relationships of generosity, mercy and communion. Charity always manifests the love of God in human relationships; it gives theological and salvific value to every commitment to justice in the world."
Monday, February 24, 2025
Pity the Modern Mass goers who are clueless about Ash Wednesday being around the corner. SEXAGESIMA before lent is moral and should be mandated! Here is yours truly enjoying the SEXAGESIMA in moderation, of course. The photos posted in reversed order unfortunately. At my homily, we also prayed together the Hail Mary” for Pope Francis:
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Pope Francis was in critical condition Saturday after he suffered a long asthmatic respiratory crisis that required high flows of oxygen, the Vatican said.
Prayer for a Happy Death
O God, great and omnipotent judge of the living and the dead, we are to appear before You after this short life to render an account of our works. Give us the grace to prepare for our last hour by a devout and holy life, and protect us against a sudden and unprovided death. Let us remember our frailty and mortality, that we may always live in the ways of Your commandments. Teach us to “watch and pray” (Luke 21, 36), that when Your summons comes for our departure from this world, we may go forth to meet You, experience a merciful judgment, and rejoice in everlasting happiness. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO? OH WHAT IS THE VATICAN TO DO?
At 88 years old, an old man with many comorbidities, now with bronchial and lung infections, Pope Francis is clearly in his dying days. We can’t assign the number of days, months or years, unless one favors euthanasia, clearly immoral, but everything is up for grabs in the synodal church.
At any rate, Catholics and people of good will should be praying for the pope and for God’s will be done on earth as in heaven.
But why can’t the Vatican simply tell it as it is. Pope Francis is dying. We don’t know when nor can we predict it, unless this pope changes Church teaching on active euthanasia.
Instead, they condemn those who are speculating that His Holiness is going to resign or that his death is near, as though everything will return to as it was in 2013.
Nothing will return to as it was even two weeks ago.
I know from personal experience in my pastoral ministry and with my own mother, who was 93 when she died, that things change from day to day. My mom was in a coma days prior to her death, only to wake up, be clear and immediately eat a full meal with dessert to boot. Can we say she improved? No! Two days before her death, she was very clear, joking with family members and having a good time. Two days later she was gone.
We are in an interregnum of some kind even if Pope Francis returns to Santa Marta, the Vatican Motel Six. Remember that Pope John Paul II returned to his Apostolic Palace at the Vatican in order to die and he did die on Divine Mercy Sunday.
God bless Pope Francis and long live the pope.
We come before You in prayer, lifting up Your servant, Pope Francis, in his time of need. You are the
Source of all healing, and we ask You to surround him with Your loving presence, granting him
strength and recovery. May Your divine grace rest upon him, restoring his health and filling him with
renewed vigor to continue leading Your Church with compassion and wisdom.
“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord.”
(Jeremiah 30:17)
We place Pope Francis into Your hands, trusting in Your eternal care. May he be comforted by the
love of the Church and the prayers of all the faithful. We ask, through the intercession of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, that his recovery be swift, and his spirit be strengthened in Your peace.
May Your will be done in his life, O Lord, and may Your healing power be with him always.
We offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You in the unity
of the Holy Spirit.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Many are wondering who the next pope will be. The Remnant has an article that is rather fascinating written by Gaetano Masciullo. He creates the chart below and explains it.
The white names in all the colors below, are who Masciullo thinks could be pope from the various categories he has created. My favorites, as you can imagine, are in the red section and all of the white names there would be great. My top three choices are 3. Sarah, 2. Eijk/Erdb and 1. Pizzaballa. #1 has a delicious Italian name, so what is there not to love and he would be the first pope in centuries to have facial hair!
After Francis: Who are the Papabili (next conclave's candidates)?
By: Gaetano Masciullo | Remnant Columnist
In red, I have highlighted the cardinals who are the most friends of Tradition. In purple, I have indicated the papabile cardinals who, while not explicitly or manifestly friends of Catholic Tradition (especially liturgical), can nevertheless be considered aligned with the Ratzingerian line and thus more conservative from a theological, moral, and pastoral point of view. As is evident, on the whole, traditionalists and conservatives form the majority, despite what one might think. This perhaps helps us understand better why Francis has decided to use the strategy previously explained.
On the left side, we find the more progressive wing of the papabile cardinals. In the cobalt-colored segment, we find three cardinals who could be defined as “moderates,” very discreet in their assertions, but who are very likely sympathetic to the Francis Party. Finally, we find the Francis Party in the blue section, those whom Bergoglio has repeatedly indicated as his favorites and proteges (actually, his proteges have seen moments of greater and lesser favor from the incumbent over the years).
Leading papabili names are in white bold characters.
A Prayer for the Election of a New Pope
O God, who in your wondrous love watches over your Church, fill the cardinal-electors with your Holy Spirit
to strengthen and inspire them as they choose a new Holy Father to lead us.
May they choose a shepherd for your Church
who will please you in his holiness and guide his flock
with love and watchful care, especially for the sick, the poor and the vulnerable.
We pray that your Holy Spirit will hover over the one who is chosen
to strengthen him to be a messenger of love, peace and unity in our world.
We offer our prayer through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Monday, February 17, 2025
We live in very polarized political times. Some clergy seem to be more a member of one or the other of the political parties in the USA, than of the Catholic priesthood.
That’s is tragic and a scandal since most Catholics are either Democrats or Republicans. Some are independents as I am.
Clergy should keep their political affiliation a secret. Like me they should declare themselves independent.
Clergy should not be political hacks for this, that or the other political party. It is a scandal. Did I say it is scandal.
Clergy should stick to what they were ordained to do. Be an image of the High Priest, Jesus Christ, in all liturgical liturgies especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
They should apply moral principals to all hot bottom political issues, such as abortion and how we treat those we have allowed to enter this country either legally or illegally. They should not be identified as a being of any political affiliation. Being a Catholic priest should be sufficient, holding up the faith and morals of the Catholic Church and being a prophetic voice to secular politics but not identied with any political parity!
We should critique all political parties especially when they go beyond the laws of God as it concerns life, social Justice and the right to life of the unborn.
Clergy should not be public hacks, especially on social media!.
Perhaps the next pope will name Bishop Guido Marini as the Prefect for the Congregation of Divine Worship…