From the Dominican Sisters website:
Hawkinsville, GA
“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28). I have been discerning my religious vocation all of my life. What started out as a child’s play of a “Sister runs orphanage” with my siblings, eventually turned into a curious internet search for various religious orders by the age of twelve. I continued my inquiries with greater and greater interest, but when I turned fourteen, I made an effort to put the desire aside. I felt pressured by my peers. I pushed God away and forced myself to say that I was supposed to get married. I said that I wanted a husband, kids, and a house of my own, yet I still had a longing for something greater. Later that summer, I went to Mississippi to visit my Grandma and while I was at Mass, I looked across the church and I saw three sisters, in full habit, praying. My mom told me that I should go and talk to them, so after Mass I did. Talking to them again sparked my interest. When I got home, I started to seek out my vocation once more.
The following summer, I went back to Mississippi and went to the same church again. This time, I spoke with seven sisters. They were the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. As soon as I got home I looked at their website. It captured my attention. I got really excited when I saw that they allowed sixteen year olds to go on their retreats. The only problem was they were all the way in Michigan. I knew that my parents would be uncomfortable sending me on a plane, and it was definitely too far to drive. So, I pushed that idea out of my head and went back to wondering what God wanted me to do. I looked into all different kinds of occupations; nursing, the navy, and other medical careers. These things, however, did not fill my emptiness.
God is good! In November of 2009, Elizabeth Cavanaugh, a mom in our home school group, called the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist and invited them to come and talk to our group. They agreed. Sr. Joshua Mary and Sr. Jude Andrew came down to Georgia. They were amazing! I was intrigued with the fact that they were young, energetic women that still wore the full habit. As I was leaving, Sr. Jude Andrew invited me to come to their retreat in February. I told my parents, and they both agreed that I should go.
When I arrived at the Motherhouse, the sisters were in Adoration. I prayed before the monstrance and I just knew immediately that I was home. Sr. Joseph Andrew agreed as well and gave me an application, despite being just shy of my seventeenth birthday. Since then, the time has flown, from finishing school at an accelerated rate, to getting physically and spiritually ready for my entrance on August 28th. It has been challenging, yet wonderful too, as I had the support of my family and friends. The people of my home parish of St. Patrick and our rector, Fr. Nicholas Mansell, have overwhelmed and humbled me by their support.
I thank God that the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist opened both their hearts and their doors for me. I know that with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Our Lady’s help, and the loving support of this community, I will be able to live out my vocation.
What a wonderful story!
I remember that visit by those Dominican nuns.
They affected my daughter and I also.
It was an unusually rare occassion that my daughter and I attended a 9:30am Mass. As we walked up the front steps of St. Joseph church, the nuns were walking in too. My daughter saw them first and said "Mommy, look. Are those real nuns?" I replied yes and then she said "Wow. That's cool!"
I was happy that she got to see them, and happy that she had that particular response, yet simultaneously sad that we didn't have such examples for my daughter to see on a regular basis. We got to say hello to them after Mass, and then to our surprise they spoke to the Intergenreational PREP class.
What a treat!
One of them spoke a while about the Incarnation and literally brought tears to my eyes. She spoke with such insight, far beyond her years.
It was an unforgettable experience.
So, hooray for the novitiate!
She has certainly been guided to a wonderful order.
anon at 7:44
I heard she was entering the convent. This is the feel good story of the month! Kay is a beautiful young lady. God bless her, her family and her vocation. We need to hear more great stories like this! Way to go St. Pat's and thank you Father.
This is good to hear. I also saw where some seminaries are experiencing growth. This is a hopeful sign, especially if they are all putting as much thought into it as this young lady.
The destruction of the religious orders of sisters after Vatican II (and by destruction I mean the secularization) has done as much harm, possibly more, than the destruction of the Liturgy. Female religious orders were the true back bone of religious education and their misguided "liberation" has contributed in no small part to the horrible Catechism the past 2 generations have received.
May the Holy Spirit continue it's renewal of the Traditional Female Religious Orders. Some may suspect but not know, that while the Traditional Orders of Female Religious account for only 20% of the Active Orders, they are accounting for over 80% of new women religious.
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