Pope Francis and no pope are psychological therapists and we can ignore or receive diagnoses they might make in this realm. Post Vatican II veneration of psychology as a cure all has led to the scandal the Church is still cleaning up and the pain and suffering of so many laity.
Press Crux title for implied insights into this pope and his ethos:
This man is so afraid of the ideology of the Democrat party and its leaders that he simply can't answer any questions on where he would draw the line on abortions. Even his mother prays the Holy Rosary with his aunt each night for his conversion. And you can tell from the sound of his voice he knows he is on the wrong side of God, loves the ideology of the democrat party or fears its leaders more than he loves God or fears God. But a bit of fear is there and thus hope for this apostate's conversion:
Shame on President Biden for nominating someone like this with their pagan demonic ideology. It is beyond shocking. Hopefully victims of this person’s cruel, abusive ideology will sue this confused person for damages. This person is dangerous!
People of confused sexuality are changing their sex from that which was "assigned" to them at birth to something else to include new, unheard of categories. This may well be codified in law by the Biden administration's lobbying efforts.
However, would this, by reason of logic, also apply to race? Certainly, through the art of tattooing a person's pigmentation can be changed to almost any color.
Can a person "assigned at birth" black or white, or red or yellow or any other color, choose to change their race? Isn't this the logic of sexual reassignment legitimately applied to race reassignment?
This man whose patron saint is St.Francis Xavier voted against a ban on partial birth abortion. In other words, he voted to allow doctors and mothers to murder a baby in the most diabolical way as the baby is being born. Shocking is not the term to describe this callousness.
This man is morally bankrupt and a mortal sinner. He needs our prayers for his conversion. Could you imagine a pedophile who voted against banning the sexual exploitation of children saying I think we can find common ground on this, yet, this man says the same about a baby being murdered in the most gruesome way as she is being born. And President Biden, a Catholic, condones this.
I wonder if this man considers himself a devout Catholic as President Biden describes himself?
From the Salt Lake Tribune:
Utah Sen. Mitt Romney tussled Tuesday with Xavier Becerra, President Joe Biden’s nominee as secretary of Health and Human Services, over his stand on abortion and Democratic proposals to expand a nearly bankrupt Medicare system.
During Becerra’s confirmation hearing, Romney asked the nominee — who is the current California attorney general and a former member of Congress — why he once voted against so-called “partial-birth abortion,” but didn’t get a direct answer. It is a form of late-term abortion where a fetus is partially delivered before it is aborted.
“There’s a division in our country with regards to the issue of abortion,” Romney said. “But most people agree that partial birth abortion is awful. You voted against a ban on partial birth abortion. Why?”
Instead of a direct answer, Becerra said he has worked for decades to protect the health of men and women. On abortion, he said, “I understand that people have different deeply held beliefs on this issue and I respect that” — and said he hopes to help seek common ground.
Romney responded, “I think we can reach common ground on many issues, but on partial birth abortion, it sounds like we’re not going to reach common ground there.”
I read on another blog a comment from someone about his joy that Cardinal Sarah had resigned because he was so “pre-Vatican II”. I have said it before and I will write it again, the term pre-Vatican II used by certain Catholics is equal to the “n” word in its derogatory nature. It was and is used to shame people, as though being pre Vatican II is the sign of being less human and less Catholic.
Thus, I hope that the next CDW prefect will be Bishop Vittorio Viola, currently Bishop of Tortona. Look at how His Excellency recently celebrated the Ordinary Form of the Catholic Mass and his vesture in the photo below!
Cardinal Sarah and evidently Bishop Vittorio are not pre-Vatican II, they, unlike some, are post spirit of Vatican II prelates and are showing us the way to be authentically Roman Catholic within the sane approach of Pope Benedict XVI, that of renewal in continuity. That is the only way forward. We don’t need to go backwards to the spirit of Vatican II as the 11970’s types still exerting influence!
An anonymous commenter of Cardinal Sarah’s retirement suggests the next Prefect for the CDW will be:
Anonymous said...
Judging from the list of recent papal audiences, my prediction from last spring is about to come to fruition! The next CDW prefect will be Vittorio Viola, currently Bishop of Tortona.
Like Cardinal Gambetti, who was appointed Archpriest of St Peter's on Saturday, Viola is a Franciscan. I think the original plan must have been to announce the two appointments at the same time, but the announcement of Viola's must have had to be delayed for some reason.
This is a google translation of an Italian biography :
After the university, he entered the Order of Friars Minor; he completed his studies at the Theological Institute of Assisi and later at the Pontifical liturgical institute Sant'Anselmo in Rome, where he obtained a license in liturgy; at the same university in 2000 he obtained a doctorate in sacred liturgy. [1]
On 14 September 1991 he made his solemn vows in the Order of Friars Minor in Santa Maria degli Angeli; he was ordained a deacon on 4 July 1992 and a priest on 3 July 1993 by Bishop Luca Brandolini, auxiliary of Rome. [1]
After ordination, in the Order of Friars Minor he was definitor of the Umbrian seraphic province from 1999 to 2002, from 2003 to 2005 and finally from 2011 to 2014. At the diocesan level he has been responsible for the liturgical office of the Ecclesiastical Region of Umbria since 1997 to 2014, of the diocesan office of Assisi for education, school and university from 2006 to 2008 and then of the diocesan Caritas of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino from 2008 to 2014. [1]
In addition to having been a professor of liturgy at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute Sant'Anselmo in Rome, the Pontifical Liturgical Institute and the Institute of Religious Sciences, both in Assisi, he was a consultant member of the National Liturgical Office. [2]
Episcopal Ministry [edit | edit wikitext]
On October 15, 2014, Pope Francis appointed him bishop of Tortona; received his episcopal ordination on 7 December following in the basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Assisi from Domenico Sorrentino, archbishop of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino, co-consecrators Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, metropolitan archbishop of Perugia-Città della Pieve, and the bishop Martino Canessa, his predecessor in Tortona.
However, Pope Francis also received Blase Cardinal Cupich in a private audience recently. Of course there is speculation he could head the Congregation of Bishops. But Cupich fancies himself a liturgist too, but a progressive sort. He wreckovated the Pontifical College Josephinum Chapel when he was rector there.
Cardinal Cupich is a graduate of the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., where he received a Licentiate of Sacred Theology in 1979 and Doctorate of Sacred Theology in 1987, both in Sacramental Theology, with his dissertation entitled, “Advent in the Roman Tradition: An Examination and Comparison of the Lectionary Readings as Hermeneutical Units in Three Periods.”
Before and after of Josephinum Seminary Chapel’s wreckovation:
After, after accomplished by our Diocesan Priest and former Rector of the Josephinum, Msgr. Christopher Schreck:
In the post Vatican II Church of the late 60's through the 80's, talk of the devil was seldom heard. Charismatic Catholics, however, kept it alive but in unhealthy, non Catholic, Protestant Pentecostal ways.
As pastor in Augusta throughout the 1990's where there is a large Catholic Charismatic community, I would often engage in severe criticism with them as there was an unfortunate practice of "headship and submission" in the community by some laymen having religious authority over other lay members. And within that context of Pentecostal prayer, they practiced "Deliverance" which in effect was like a major exorcism but a Pentecostal form of it. The leader engaged in a dialogue with the evil spirit or the devil they presumed was in the person being delivered.
Thus it is refreshing that Pope Francis has a wonderful body of teachings on the devil and his influence in our lives. Today's Angelus address in Rome for the First Sunday of Lent is not exception:
Pope Francis at the Sunday Angelus
(Vatican Media)
Pope Francis: With faith, prayer and penance we overcome evil
to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus, Pope
Francis explained how the Word of God shows us the path to live
fruitfully the 40 days of Lent we have just embarked upon.
By Vatican News staff writer
The account in Mark’s Gospel (Mk 1:12-15) on this first Sunday of
Lent emphasizes that the “Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert”.
There, the Pope noted, Jesus remained forty days and was tempted by
Satan. The natural and symbolic reality of the desert is the place
“where God speaks to the human heart and prayer is a response”, he
observed, but it is also the place of “trial and temptation” and the
“’duel’ between Jesus and the devil begins, which will end with the
Passion and the Cross.” At the same time, Jesus’ entire existence is
placed under the sign of the Spirit of God, who animates, inspires and
guides him.
The Pope continued that the entire ministry of Christ marks a
struggle against the Evil One - whether healing from illness,
liberating the possessed, and forgiving sins. While it may appear that
the devil has the upper hand when the Son of God is rejected, captured
and condemned to death, in reality, the Pope remarked, “death was the
last ‘desert’ to cross” to finally defeat Satan and free us all from his
The Pope said when we read about the desert and temptations,
Christians are reminded that by following in the Lord’s footsteps, our
lives also are a struggle against the spirit of evil, where the devil
can tempt us. He said we must be fully aware of the presence of this
astute enemy “who seeks our eternal condemnation, our failure, and
prepare to defend ourselves against him and to combat him.” He added
that Jesus never dialogued with the devil. Rather, Jesus always sent him
away or responded with the Word of God. We also, the Pope said, should
never enter into dialogue with the devil and his temptations.
At the same time, the grace of God assures us, that with faith, prayer and penance, we can defeat the enemy.
In conclusion, the Pope said “We are called to walk in God’s
footsteps, renewing our Baptismal promises: renouncing Satan, and all
his works and all his empty promises.”. He then encouraged us to call on
the maternal intercession of the Virgin Mary.
Our Lenten parish mission begins this weekend and runs Sunday through Wednesday at 7 pm each night with Father Jewel Aytona, with the Fathers of Mercy. He preaches his mission within the context of Exposition and Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament and concluding with Benediction. Father also hears Confessions before and after the Mission talks.
After our Ash Wednesday Mass, Bishop Stephen Parkes visited with my parishioners in the narthex. One of my parishioners trains Labs to be dog assistants to people in need. Thus she brings these dogs to church to train them to behave in public settings and gatherings.
But what is not pictured in this great photo, and you will notice that I am in the background to see it happen and react I did in an audible voice, is the fact that as the bishop moves his open palm toward the dog, the dog moves forward toward his hand as in an aggressive way to my eyewitness to the crime, as to bite the hand blessing him. The bishop pulled back in the nick of time!
Nothing like trying to bite the hand of the Bishop who is trying to bless you!
Since Vatican II and the decline of ascetic practices in the Church, bishops and priest during Lent kind of make it up as they go and disregard altogether what fasting is. As an ascetic practice, it has nothing to do with giving up bad habits, but rather giving up certain foods and drinks that one loves for a great cause, that of "sacrificing" something one loves and needs for life without going overboard.
Thus, I cringe when I read this from Pope Francis:
Don't get me wrong, in a way these suggestions are an examination of conscience wisely to be used during lent, but observing these has nothing to do with fasting although I suspect the Holy Father is using fasting in the pejorative sense.
I would much prefer from a Jesuit pope, to reemphasize ascetic practices lost in the Church since about 1966 or so. Why is actual fasting good for the body and soul? Why is giving up something that is good and we love, like sweets, fast food, desserts, steaks, expensive meals, to be recommended.
Fasting is linked to what is good and we love to eat or drink or smoke, if you want to expand it.
You are not to fast from things you despise, like cows' liver, tripe, certain vegetables, etc.
Lent, though, calls us to repent and believe the Good News as we recall that we are dust and unto dust we shall return.
Giving up bad habits or mortal sins is a part of Lent but it is not a part of fasting.
There, I got that off my chest and I'll stop ranting.
Considering the rapidly evolving situation of the Covid-19 pandemic and taking
into account observations which have come from Episcopal Conferences, this
Congregation now offers an update to the general indications and suggestions
already given to Bishops in the preceding decree of 19 March 2020.
Given that the date of Easter cannot be transferred, in the countries which have
been struck by the disease and where restrictions around the assembly and
movement of people have been imposed, Bishops and priests may celebrate the
rites of Holy Week without the presence of the people and in a suitable place,
avoiding concelebration and omitting the sign of peace.
The faithful should be informed of the beginning times of the
celebrations so that they can prayerfully unite themselves in their homes.
Means of live (not recorded) telematic broadcasts can be of help. In any event
it remains important to dedicate an adequate time to prayer, giving importance
above all to the Liturgia Horarum.
The Episcopal Conferences and individual dioceses will see to it
that resources are provided to support family and personal prayer.
1 - Palm Sunday. The Commemoration of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem is to be celebrated
within sacred buildings; in Cathedral churches the second form given in the
Roman Missal is to be adopted; in parish churches and in other places the third
form is to be used.
2 – The Chrism Mass. Evaluating the concrete situation in different countries, the Episcopal
Conferences will be able to give indications about a possible transfer to
another date.
3 – Holy Thursday. The washing of feet, which is already optional, is to
be omitted. At the end of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper the procession is also
omitted and the Blessed Sacrament is to be kept in the tabernacle. On this day
the faculty to celebrate Mass in a suitable place, without the presence of the
people, is exceptionally granted to all priests.
4 – Good Friday. In the Universal Prayer, Bishops will arrange to have a
special intention prepared for those who find themselves in distress, the sick,
the dead, (cf. Missale Romanum). The adoration of the Cross by kissing
it shall be limited solely to the celebrant.
5 – The Easter Vigil: Is to be celebrated only in Cathedral and parish churches. For the “Baptismal
Liturgy” only the “Renewal of Baptismal Promises” is maintained (cf. Missale
Seminaries, houses of clergy, monasteries and religious communities shall follow the
indications of this decree.
Expressions of popular piety and processions which enrich the days of Holy Week
and the Paschal Triduum can be transferred to other suitable days in the year,
for example 14 and 15 September, according to the judgement of the Diocesan
De mandato Summi Pontificis pro hoc tantum anno 2020.
From the offices of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of
the Sacraments, 25 March 2020, on the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord.
Here is our Facebook live-stream of the Mass at which Bishop Parkes presided on Ash Wednesday evening. I gave a pretty good homily and Bishop Parkes gave a great reflection after the Prayer after Holy Communion. Fortunately, for me, His Excellency has a good sense of humor and our bantering back and forth "just happened!"
Unfortunately, too many photos for my blog platform to get them in order, and I did input these in order, but you get the idea: